Nutrition is important to have a healthy mind and body. What we eat shows on our health. Apart from the overall general health the one organ that is most affected and first shows the sign of something missing from the diet is our skin. We all know our skin is the window of our overall health. Not having enough sleep shows off on skin, iron deficiency shows of on skin, malfunctioning of any body part makes the skin dull, dry and sad. These days many people don't shy away from spending a fortune on looking beautiful, but who doesn't want to look pretty(??) .. We all know that these products can make us look only for a short time and have side effects also. Healthy beautiful and happy skin and health can be achieved by following a healthy diet with fresh fruits and veggies.
My today's post is about having a beautiful and glowing skin as today's theme at #183Foodie Monday Blog hop is Recipe for Glowing Skin.. The theme was suggested by gorgeous Amrita Iyer who blogs at Food Samaritan.. Do check her wonderful blog.
My first belief to have a happy and fresh skin and overall good health is staying happy, active and eating fresh. In my opinion these factors make the overall difference. Exercise daily,keep the mind working, engage in an activity that makes you happy and of course have fresh meals. Eat Fresh Stay Healthy.
My contribution to the this wonderful theme is 'Golden Smoothie with Raw Turmeric'
I call this recipe .. Golden Smoothie for Winters with Raw Turmeric as it has the goodness of the all the fruits and veggies that are winter produce. Raw Turmeric and Orange Carrots impart a beautiful golden color to the smoothie, hence the name!!
When I comes to food there are many fruits and veggies that work like wonders for skin. The first one and the most important is Water. Keep the body hydrated. Believe me and as all of also know that water does wonders to the skin. Fruits and Veggies rich in antioxidants, Vit A, and Vit C are very good for skin.
Skin friendly fruits and veggies are..
All the the ones rich in Vit. C like.. Citrus fruits.. Oranges, Lemon.
Green leafy Vegetables like Spinach, Kale etc.
Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts
Berries .. Strawberries, Blueberries, Blackberries
Herbs like Mint, Cilantro, Turmeric.
Papaya, Carrots,Tomato, Beans, Lentils,
Are any fresh fruits and veggie groups left.. most of all the fresh fruits and veggies!!
Smoothies are one of the best way of including fresh fruits and vegetables in our diet, after whole fruits. I like to blend the fruits instead of juicing, as pulp or fibre is not discarded from the smoothie. For those on low-fibre diet, can have juices as per there doctor's recommendations.
In my Golden Smoothie, I have added apple, carrots, orange and raw turmeric and fresh ginger. You can also add few mint leaves. I ran out of those, so used just for garnish.
Is Raw Turmeric more nutritious than Turmeric Powder..
No Turmeric powder has almost all the benefits Raw Turmeric , only the color effect of fresh turmeric is more vibrant than the powder.
Raw turmeric has a pungent taste and an excellent antiseptic, good for skin, blood purifier. In India people consume Turmeric Milk(the famous Golden Latte..) since ages to relief the pain and to cure cold and cough related infections. Raw Turmeric is also used in making pickles and chutneys which is a winter special in Northern parts of India when fresh stock of raw turmeric arrives. At my parents place Raw Turmeric and Raw ginger are eaten with food during winters, as these keep the body warm and build up the immunity.
Raw Turmeric or powder Turmeric are also used in many facial masks to enhance the glow of skin. .
For Salads, grate or cut ginger and turmeric root into stripes, squeeze on some lemon juice, add a pinch of salt and black pepper.
Oranges and Lemon are rich sources of Vit.C and Carrots have Vit A and Apples are rich in pectin which are good for skin and overall health. Ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties and detoxes the system.Black Pepper also detoxes the system and helps in the absorption of herbs in the system. Mint leaves have cooling effect on the body, and are rich sources of antioxidants.
How to make this Golden (Detox) Smoothie
Making Smoothie is very easy and quick process. Wash, peel and chop the fruits, throw in blender and press on the button. You can also juice the fruits.For that cut fruits in the size fit for your juicer.
Pour in a glass, squeeze in lemon juice, add black pepper powder, mix and sip on the Golden Exiliar of good health. Fresh Carrots, Turmeric, Orange impart a beautiful color to the smoothie. Apples adds on the texture and lemon juice adds to the little tanginess.. You can add honey or any other natural sweetener, if you don't like the pungent taste of the raw turmeric.
If Raw Turmeric is not available you can add a tsp of turmeric powder. Though consuming turmeric does not have any side effect, but if you have any confusion as per the dosage you can consult your dietician. My knowledge is based on what is passed to me from the elders in the family and the knowledge that I have gathered from reading various resources over the years.

Golden Smoothie for Winters with Raw Turmeric
- 1 Apple(Big)
- 1 Orange
- 2 Carrots(Medium size)
- 1" Fresh Raw Turmeric
- 1 Lemon
- 1" Fresh Ginger Root
- Honey or any other natural Sweetener optional and as per taste
- A Pinch Black pepper Powder
- 3/4 Water or as required
- Mint or Cilantro leaves (few sprigs)
- Wash all the fruits nicely.
- Peel oranges,carrots, turmeric root and ginger root. Don't peel apple.
- Cut all the fruits in small pieces and blend in the blender with water. Add some Mint/Cilantro leaves if you want.
- Pour in glass, squeeze in lemon juice, add the sweetener and black pepper and mix. Enjoy the Golden Smoothie.
Do try this golden smoothie, it will surely work on your skin, weight loss and building up the stamina. Try this twice a week, rotate with other smoothies, fruit bowls or salads.
Disclaimer.. I am not an expert in nutrition, I share my knowledge and recipes of the food that I eat and make for others. If you any doubts or confusion please consult your nutrition expert. Also, If you have any feedback to give on the recipe, I will love to hear from you.
o give me your feedback and whenever you make this will be glad to see my pics on any of y social media handles.
FB or tag me on Instagram(#foodtrails25) . You can also Pin the recipe for later use.
Try these related recipes from the blog, for healthy and delicious fruit smoothies and drinks Watermelon and Mint Cooler, Watermelon and Double Berry Smoothie, Ginger Peach Iced Tea, Aam Panna.
Linking to Angie's Fiesta Friday #265 where co-hosts this weeke are..Laurena @ Life Diet Health and Kat @ Kat’s 9 Lives
Join me in my food trails .. follow the blog and my social media accounts. If you like my work do share this with your loved ones.
Thanks for stopping by!!
would love to try this!
Veena Krishnakumar
Loved the colour of this smoothie. Beautifully framed too. I am going to make this healthy smoothie asap
Thanks Veena!! Do try this smoothie!!
Batter Up With Sujata
Loved the use of fresh turmeric in the smoothie. Golden smoothie not only perfect for glowing skin but also looks delicious. Great share Swaty. Loved it.
Fantastic detox loaded with micro nutrients! I will try this tomorrow itself.
Mina Joshi
What a healthy and delicious smoothie. Adding turmeric to it is a great idea.
Preethi Prasad
This golden smoothie is a such a treat .Loved the use of fresh turmeric and ginger root. I am sure it tasted great. Wonderful recipe Swati.
Swaty, one cannot just omit the fact that turmeric is such a healthy ingredient. I love the combined flavor of carrots and orange and therefore your smoothie is a winner with me. If I ever consider buying any one those expensive creams my hubby with frown at me and says 'spend that money on healthy fruits and veggies instead of a small pot of cream'.
Vidya Narayan
Swaty, loved the recipe and the use of Fresh Turmeric specifically. Carrots blend so well with citrus flavours right? As you rightly stated, stress is the key factor to a horrible skin and trying to relax a bit along with changes in diet helps a lot to achieve that goal.
Loved the soothing color and the ingredients used in this smoothie Swaty ! I do make similar smoothie but have not tried it with raw turmeric. This sounds brilliant ! I will try your recipe next time.
Do try this Poonam, though Raw Turmeric has more pungent taste than the powder form for that you can add honey or any other natural sweetener to suit it your taste buds.. I usually don’t add like to have it without any sweetener.
Life Diet Health
Swati what a delicious looking smoothie! I love all of your information here too - great for people looking to find out more! We buy fresh turmeric then freeze it so we always have some on hand for smoothies. This recipe sounds great - thanks for linking up and sharing at Fiesta Friday.
Thanks!! Glad you find the information of useful!!
Hi Swati, I often use turmeric powder in my cooking or just sprinkle some on my morning grains, but I've been looking for a way to incorporate fresh turmeric root. This is perfect, as I make smoothies several time a week. Thanks for the very informative post! Elizabeth
Thanks Elizabeth!! Glad you found the post useful!!
Swati this is a great way to get turmeric in our system. Generally we use cooked turmeric but raw turmeric us something j would love to consume. Gonna try this out.
Sure Archana!! Do try this.. it is a good detox also
swati - that's one delicious drink that I wouldnt mind sipping on now !! and what a great way to get fresh curcumin (turmeric) into our system,.. well done 🙂
Thanks Kalyani!! Glad you liked the recipe!!
Healthy one
The Girl Next Door
I love using raw turmeric in my diet, and try to get in as much of it as I can during the winters. This smoothie is such a lovely way to make use of it!
The other ingredients you have used here seem to go just perfectly with the raw turmeric, too. The smoothie looks so bright and beautiful!
Thanks Priya!! Do try this smoothie also..